Audiovisual Translation

COCO WORDS offers several multilingual desktop publishing services that can be developed in different ways, depending on the kind of material your project focuses on, as well as the type of audience you are aiming to reach.
At its simplest, audiovisual translation services can mean subtitling services. Alternatively, it can mean something more complex such as providing voice over or dubbing services.

You are probably thinking, okay, great, but… What is the difference between all of these services? Don’t worry, here is a quick overview to help you understand which audiovisual translation service best suits your needs and help your project break into the Italian market!

Multimedia and subtitling services

Subtitling and voice over services are possibly some of the most powerful tools you can choose to effectively make your professional video content available for another market. Using video to reach your customers is one of the most effective mediums a company can employ to get its message across to people on the global stage, making it possible for your brand’s unique voice to be heard effectively, in the market of your choice.

Here’s an interesting fact: even though some 60% of YouTube viewers don’t speak English, that doesn’t stop them from watching the videos. This is largely possible thanks to multimedia translation such as voice over, subtitling and audiovisual translation. These are essential tools for your video content, giving extra visibility to your brand, and to the products you are promoting.

My Italian subtitling and voice over services will help you speak to a much wider audience, improve your positioning in the Italian market, and give you the edge over your competitors.

Video and audio voice over

My professional voice over translation services will cater to your needs of multimedia content creation. We will create professional material that conveys your message in the clearest and most concise way possible, by adapting any multimedia product to the Italian market. Make your voice heard and get ready to scale up your business!

So… What is voice over, exactly? Also known as off-camera commentary, it is a production technique in which actor’s voices are recorded and played offscreen over the original audio track. This allows the viewer to hear both the voice over and the speaker’s original voice and intonation.
These recordings are used for adverts or movies, trailers, e-learning material, corporate training and documentaries. A professional voice over service will make your multimedia content accessible to a global audience, with one simple service.

English to Italian and German to Italian subtitling

COCO WORDS also offers subtitling services, from English to Italian and from German to Italian.
Subtitling gives instant added value to your video content, making it understandable and accessible to potential new clients from other markets. An accurate subtitling service will let non-English speakers watch your video, and enhance its potential as a marketing tool.

Thanks to my subtitling translation services, viewers will be able to watch the video while still being able to listen to the original audio. The subtitles are synchronised accurately with the video, with the length and order of sentences varying between different languages.
This makes the content easy to read at the right speed. The main advantage of subtitling is that it offers the spectator a truly authentic viewing experience, letting him or her watch your video with the original audio.

COCO WORDS offers your project bespoke Italian subtitling services, assuring maximum quality in every phase of the project: from translation, which will also include a revision, to any necessary cultural adaptation, preventing anything from getting lost in translation; to a final revision and post-production. Our aim is to offer the highest possible product, with every single detail taken care of.

Subtitles have the added advantage of not only being cost effective and efficient, they also maximise your SEO positioning meaning more hits for your website. Not bad, right?

Italian voice over and dubbing direction

COCO WORDS can also help you with video dubbing services, producing an entirely new audio track for your video, in the language of your choice. Lip-sync dubbing is a more complicated process than voice over, requiring a director who will ensure that image and sound are correctly synched, and that content is properly conveyed, with the correct meaning and intonation.

Choose COCO WORDS Italian dubbing services, and rest assured that every phase of the dubbing process is supervised with the utmost care. I will adapt the script from English or German into Italian, and personally direct both production and post-production in order to create a professional, effective product, tailored to your exact specifications.

My multimedia translation services offer great value for money: touch your audience, spread your message, and expand your brand.

Voice over, dubbing, subtitling…
Can’t decide what service fits your project the most? Get in touch here and I will be happy to discuss your individual wishes and ideas with you.

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